SEO is a multidisciplinary marketing strategy aimed at making a website the best in a particular niche market. To do so, the technical design of your website should be excellent with all security features covered.

Apart from this, it would be best if you also had a good SEO Copywriter. Forasmuch, the content on your website should be well written and directed to the viewers your website operates on.

To ensure that your website is the best in your field, the content on your website should be good and easy to read. In addition to compromising the quality of your SEO copywriting, you should also edit and modify your text to meet certain search engine requirements.

The process of SEO copywriting is very similar to the process of writing anything else, so it is a difficult task and definitely, some of us have more writing skills than others. Unfortunately, not all of us can be Ernest Hemingway, but with a little training, anyone should be able to write a copy of the best SEO. here are the steps of writing a good Copy.

Step 1:-  Before writing: Always Start with Keyword Research

The first step in SEO copying is not so much about writing. First, you need to decide what to write about. What topics do you want to cover?

You will need to use the keywords you want to put in your copy, so the first step to SEO copying is keyword research. Keyword research is what you do to write keywords and key phrases that you want to edit. The relevant keyword research consists of the following blueprint:

  • Create a Statement of Purpose

    Before starting real keyword research, you should think about your objective statement. This is what makes you stand out from the crowd. When making your statement of intent, you should consider such questions as who you are, and what your blog is about. What makes it different? Take your time to make and write down your goal statement.

  • Make a List of Appropriate Keywords

    Once you have created a clear mission statement, you can start making a list of all the search terms (keywords) you want your website to be found on. If your goal is clear, you should have little trouble coming up with search terms that work in your niche market and your unique marketing points. These will be the keywords you want to be found.

In order to come up with good words, you have to get into the heads of your audience. How can they find you? What can they search on Google?

At the end of your keyword research, you should have a list of all the relevant search terms people can use. Also, think of the combinations and variations of these words.

It is safe to say that you can also use the tools to assist you in the process of keyword research. For example, we have a keyword research tool related to Yoast SEO and SEMrush.

After making a list, you may have trouble deciding which keyword to use.

  • Create a full view

    Lastly, you should have a look at everything useful, which will be very helpful in your SEO copying process. It helps to build a table of your keywords to summarize the information. Try to come up with keyword combinations again, and order keywords with a specific priority.

Which of these keywords is most important to you and the closest to your goal statement, and which ones are less important?

When choosing which keywords to handle first, you should also consider how likely your pages are to rank in that particular keyword. In many cases, focusing on less popular and less competitive keywords can be a good idea at first.

  • Find the Purpose of the Search

SEO strategies should, today, focus more on answering the questions people have. Every time someone puts a search query into a search engine, they are looking for something. There are 4 types of target search they can have:

  1. Purpose of information: to find information on a particular topic.
  2. Purpose of navigation: to access a specific website by entering a search engine name.
  3. The purpose of the sale: to buy something soon and to do some research before buying.
  4. Purpose of trading: to buy something after their search for a purpose.

In your keyword research, you need to find out what types of intentions apply to your keywords and try to match these search terms. You can use search results to find out what purpose applies to your keywords and create great content similar to this purpose.

Whatever purpose you are pursuing should also affect your writing style, we will get into that later in this guide.

  • Create search pages for Searchers

    The final step in keyword research is to create amazing posts or pages of keywords you want to be found in your article. Content should be targeted to attract visitors who have found your blog with a specific keyword.

This can be a dedicated page or blog post for a specific keyword. Make sure your visitors can navigate your blog from there, through menus or internal links. And make sure you have a page for all the keywords you come up with. Your keyword research will give you a good idea of ​​what you can blog about.

After that, you will need to open the content next to the specific name. The name is not a title. Next to the keyword (or keyword), you will need an angle, a subject around that keyword.

Step 2:- The Writing Process for SEO Copywriter

Once you have decided on the topic or article you want to write, the actual copying of SEO begins! The SEO writing process has three stages: preparation, writing, and editing (or editing).

Phase 1 of the writing process: Preparing your writing

The first step in the actual copying process of SEO is organizing your piece. Before you put your pen to paper (or your fingers on the keyboard), take a moment to think about what you are going to write. You will have the topic in mind, for now, but before you start writing, you should have clear answers to the following questions:

  1. What is the purpose of your article?
  2. What do you write?
  3. What do you want to achieve?
  4. What will be the main message of your post?
  5. What important question do you want to answer?
  6. Who is your audience?
  7. How much direct and horizontal information does your audience want?
  8. What information do you need to write your piece?
  9. How will you present your information?
  10. What will be the structure of your article?

To get the organized content these question helps you in finding, the success of your copy.

Phase 2 of the SEO copywriting process: Writing your own text

Now you can start the real SEO copywriting process! This only takes about 20% of the total time you spend on your article.

Just write!

The most important tip for this section of SEO copywriting is just writing. People often have trouble coming up with the first sentence (or the first paragraph of that story). But, in this section, you can completely skip that first paragraph.

Just put down a few words that refer to the content your first paragraph should contain and start writing the second paragraph. The beginnings and endings are easy to write down once you have made the main body of your post.

If the sentence is grammatically wrong or sounds bad, just keep going and don’t worry about it right now.

You can also write these things in the next section, which is editing. It is important to stay in the writing process in the writing phase.

When writing, use the structure you created in the preparation section as a framework and then write sections according to that plan. Make sure you write clear paragraphs.

Start each paragraph with the most important sentence, and then explain or explain it. Your readers will be able to capture the most important content in your article, just by reading the first sentences of your paragraphs.

Reading on-screen is hard, so if you want your readers to read all of your blogs, you need to make SEO copywriting easy to read.

A good and easy-to-read post will lead to more returning visitors and a higher conversion rate. Most importantly, make sure that your text is well-arranged for the audience you are writing to.

Take regular breaks.

SEO copywriting can be a solid process. If you write long, you will find that concentrating is difficult. The exact time, however, it’ll vary from person to person. If you find that your mind is starting to wonder, then it will be time for you to take a break.

Personally, I can not write more than 20 minutes at a time. But to be honest, my time of break is very short.

At that moment, I get up to go, check out my Facebook timeline, or make a cup of tea. Even a minute break can be enough to get back to your writing with a new and renewed level of concentration and creativity.

Phase 3 of the SEO Copywriting process: Editing your text

When you have finished writing your piece, you will have the first draft of your article. This first draft is something you will develop in the final phase of writing. The final step will still take a long time.

The planning phase is the phase of the SEO copywriting process where you have to ‘kill your loved ones’. Do not be afraid to pull things out.

You should read and re-read and re-read your post and correct any incorrect sentences, vague sentences, and mixed paragraph structures. Here are five steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation.

  • Read a little (and suggest)
    You can start this section by reading your piece aloud (even if you pronounce it aloud, this may help). Each sentence of your SEO copywriting must be grammatically correct and the spelling flawless. You need to be very critical of your work.
  • Focus on the sentences
    Start by making sure every sentence is correct. Focus on spelling and reset unusual shapes. Please make sure the sentences are grammatically correct and check that they are legible: make sure your sentences are not too long.
  • Focus on the steps
    If all the sentences in one paragraph are approved, look at the structure within the paragraph, focusing on that first sentence. Does that first sentence really cover what you want to say in that paragraph? Are the sentences in the paragraph presented in chronological order? Do you use change words to make the connection between sentences clear?
  • Edit the content of your blog
    Check that the structure between the sections is clear. Are the articles in your article presented in a logical order, or do you need to make some changes?
    You should also check your articles and subheadings. Make sure your keyword is in one of those topics and subheadings. But equally important, be sure that the titles help your readers to grasp the structure of your text. In the article on how to use articles on your site, we explain how they are used.

Bonus Tip

The final step in your SEO copywriting process is finding the answer. After editing your text, you should ask for feedback from people.

At Yoast, every post we write is read by at least two partners before we publish it. Feedback allows for someone else’s opinion without the author and almost always leads to a great improvement in the post.

It can also be helpful to let someone from your audience check your post to check if the message is being conveyed properly. Also, feedback from someone with writing and language skills, such as an editor, will help you improve your blog post even more.


SEO copywriting works best if you follow the prescribed procedure and ensure that your text is as good as possible. While not everyone is a natural writer, SEO copywriting is something everyone can get better with practice.

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Ashish Tiwari